NCFM Capital Market Dealer Mock Test

NCFM Capital Market Dealer



Validity Period

6 Months

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  • INR: ₹ 900.00

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Validity Period

6 Months

Course Content

Capital Market Dealers Module

Chapter 1: Overview of Indian Securities Market 

Indian Securities Market, Market segment, primary market, secondary market, NSE, Index, Market capitalization, Turnover, Products & participants, Capital market segment, F&O segment, currency derivative segment, screen-based trading, de-materialization, clearing corporation, investor protection, globalization, direct market access, ASBA.

Chapter 2: Trading Membership

Stock Broker, membership in NSE, continuation of membership, suspension & expulsion of membership, client-broker relationship in capital market segment, know your client, unique client code, margins from the client, contract note, brokerage, authorized person, sub-brokers, basic requirements of sub-brokers, sub-broker-client relations, dispute, arbitration and appeal, code of advertisement.

Chapter 3: Trading

Open out cry system, Exchange trading ring, online trading, stock exchange trading system, trading network, screen based trading system, price/time priority, time/price priority, kinds of orders, tick size, lot size, types of markets, normal market, auction market, retail debt market, odd lot market, stop loss order, physical market, corporate hierarchy, corporate manager, branch manager, dealer, local database, market phase, opening, pre-open, open phase, market close, post closing session, surcon, logging on, log off, neat screen, title bar, toolbar, market watch, inquiry window, market info, market watch download, security descriptor, market by price, online backup, basket trading, price freeze, price band, circuit breakers, internet trading.

Chapter 4: Clearing and Settlement

Introduction, key terminologies used in clearing and settlement process, Transaction cycle, settlement agencies, clearing and settlement process, securities and funds settlement, shortages handling, risks in the settlement, international securities identification number, data and report downloads.

Chapter 5: Legal Framework

SEBI (intermediaries) regulations, 2008, SEBI (prohibition of insider trading) regulations, 1992, SEBI (prohibition of fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to, securities market) regulation, 2003, The depositories act, 1996, Indian contract act, 1872, Income tax act, 1961.

Chapter 6: Fundamental Valuation Concepts

Time value of money, Understanding financial statements.

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